Teaching and Academic Experience
Full Professor of Civil Procedural Law, Department of Procedural Law, University of Buenos Aires, School of Law (1997-present).
Head of the Department of Procedural Law, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires (1998-present)
Director of the Advanced Programme in Professional Practice, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires, 2007.
Director of the School of Introduction to Professional Practice, Bar Association for the City of Buenos Aires (2000-2006)
Director of the compilation Digesto Jurídico Argentino (Argentine Ministry of Justice, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires, LA LEY, EL DERECHO, JURISPRUDENCIA ARGENTINA publishers).
Director of the journal Compendio de Jurisprudencia, Doctrina y Legislación, Publisher: Errepar.
Member of the Commission of Jurists created by Law No. 24967, Resolution No. 160 of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of 15 March 2002.
Member of the Commission for the Study of Family Law Procedure of the Argentine Ministry of Justice (Ministry of Justice Resolution No. 415/02).
Member of the Commission for the Drafting of the Law on Organization and Procedure of Family Law Courts of the City of Buenos Aires as provided by Presidential Decree No. 1092/2001.
Full Professor of Procedural Practice II, University of Belgrano (1997-1998).
Professor at Postgraduate Level at the University of Buenos Aires, School of Law and Social Sciences, for the Specialization Courses in Family Law (concentration in Procedural Law) and in Procedural Law (1993-present).
Professor at Postgraduate Level at El Salvador University, School of Law and Social Sciences, for the Specialization Course in Procedural Law (1998-present).
Professor at Postgraduate Level at Universidad Notarial, School of Law and Social Sciences, for the Specialization Course in Procedural Law (1999-2001).
Committee Vice Chair, 20th Argentine Congress on Procedural Law, San Martín de los Andes, 5-9 October 1999.
Member of the Jury for the City of Buenos Aires Law College Awards, Procedural Law specialization, year 1999.
Member of the Jury for Open Competition at the Professional Practice Department, Civil and Commercial Law Area, File No. 696.354/99, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires.
Member of the Jury for the Competition “¿Cómo elaborar un despacho judicial?” held by the School of Law as provided by Resolution No. (D) 759/02.
Member of the Jury for the Argentine Council of Judges.
Member of the Steering Committee of the School of Law (University of Buenos Aires)
Speaker at the Seminars on the Law of Civil Procedure, Belgrano University, year 1989.
Speaker at the Course on Maintenance and Ancillary Proceedings, Buenos Aires Association of Lawyers, year 1990.
Speaker at the Course on Appellate Procedure, Buenos Aires Association of Lawyers, year 1991.
Speaker at the Seminars on Non-appeal of Amounts, Buenos Aires Association of Lawyers, year 1992.
Speaker at the Advanced Course on Motions and Appeals, Law College of Lomas de Zamora, Province of Buenos Aires, year 1992.
Teacher of a Course on Personal and Property Provisional Remedies in Family Law Proceedings, Specialization Course in Family Law, School of Law, University of Buenos Aires, year 1992.